#137 – Riley Gaines - Save Women’s Sports (Part 1)

1 month ago

As a Christian and a proud American Patriot who loves this country, our founding principles, and our attainable promise, I believe we are standing at a very unique moment in history. Americans have overwhelmingly rejected the progressive, woke, Marxist ideologies and have voted for a resurgence of common sense, timeless values and faith, and the restoration of our culture.

In fact, in many ways the American way, our culture, our values and even the American dream needs to be rescued from radical ideologies that teach our kids to be confused about their gender, groom them for life-altering medical treatments and medications, is incapable of defining what a Woman is, and allow men to invade once safe spaces for women and girls – like bathrooms and locker rooms. AND that allows men to dominate women in sports!

Meet Riley Gaines.

Riley was a 12x All-American swimmer at the University of Kentucky. She burst onto the international stage when she competed and tied with trans-identifying swimmer Lia Thomas at their NCAA championships. Since then God has given her a mission to give everything she has to protect girls and women from unfair and unsafe competition. Her mission is to build a movement to save women’s sports and see a return to common-sense American Values. She is an ambassador for multiple organizations such as ICONS Women, The Independent Council for Women’s Sports, Turning Point USA and others. She has sued the NCAA, hosts her own podcast called “Gaines for Girls” on Outkick, and has started the Riley Gaines Center with the Leadership Institute. You’ve likely seen her on multiple podcast, TV Networks, on college campuses, and at rallies around the country!

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