COLLISION in the Spiritual Storm! God Counters the Devil's Destruction!

1 month ago

Shannon M. Gross releases the next message in the Spiritual Storm series titled, Collision in the Spiritual Storm! God Counters the Devil’s Destruction. As the title indicates, even as the enemy plans to storm against God and His people, God has His own plans at this hour. Whatever the enemy tries to bring, God will counter! His great love for us shines forth in the flood of glory He brings!

The video discusses a dream received back on October 14th 2024, which depicts the devil and his cohorts coming in a physical storm. The Holy Spirit revealed this to prepare and warn people that the enemy’s sinister, large-scale plan may affect an entire city or region. This is not to promote fear, but to build people’s faith, as God’s Holy Spirit also revealed His plan to counter these sinister attacks. By running for cover under the Christ, God provides protection, peace, and provision during the times of turmoil the enemy tries to embroil us in. As more people seat themselves with Christ, God’s army expands as each person understands their identity in Jesus and allows His Spirit to transform them into who they are meant to be as they find their purpose and destiny in the future God wants to usher in for them, our nation, and the world! As people allow God’s Spirit to work in them and through them, His good plans and purposes will come to fruition.

I also release two encouraging from the Holy Spirit to provide invigoration to continue fighting the good fight of faith, no matter the chaos and circumstances around us. This is a time when God’s people rise and shine not only to stand our ground but to take back everything the adversary has stolen! As we come under the cover of Christ and abide in the shadow of the Almighty as we walk closely with Him and sit in His presence, His power, and authority working in us and through us will help us maintain victory in every walk of life.

Join us today by listening to the powerful words of the Holy Spirit to inspire you, encourage you, and motivate you to Live your faith so you can live your BEST life!

While Shannon prayerfully considers the meaning of her dreams and uses biblical references to understand their interpretations, she also turns to the book, Understanding The Dreams You Dream, by Ira Milligan, for additional insight. If you’re interested in learning more about your dreams and their meaning, check the book out at this link:

This message intends to bring inspiration, encouragement, and motivation to help you live your best life as you live your faith! Join us every week to continue building your faith so you can Live Your Faith and live your BEST life!

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Shannon is a student of Christ who has sat at the feet of Jesus ever since a health-scare shook her to her core. She reignited her faith and allowed the Holy Spirit to live and reign in her life which led to the creation of where she shares what she learns from the written word of the bible, revelation from the Holy Spirit, and lessons she learned during her personal journey to hear from God as she follows His will and ways. She hopes these messages inspire, encourage and motivate you to boldly live your faith so you can live your BEST life as you deepen your relationship with the Creator and fulfill the purpose and destiny He has for your life.

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