480: Why are the rich and famous such perverts?

1 month ago

The boys drink and review a red ale from Evo, then ask why so many of the rich and powerful seem to be engaged in some form of perversion.

Are perverts attracted to positions of power, or does power and privilege create conditions that lead people into perversion?

What happens when there are no consequences to your actions? What happens to your moral compass when you can cut in line, be rude, skip the bill at the restaurant, and people still think you're cool?

There are so many examples of people in power who seem to do horrible things.

* The Catholic Abuse Crisis
* Other religious organizations (Jehovah Witnesses, Southern Baptists, ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities)
* School teachers may be worse
* Jeffrey Epstein
* Harvey Weinstein
* Pedophilia in Hollywood
* Perversion in the music industry
* Bill Clinton
* Diddy (Sean Combs)
* Larry Nassar
* Jerry Sandusky

It seems there are a few ways to look at this.

1. People who are abusive are drawn to positions where they can abuse.

2. Once a person is in a privileged position he's more likely to give in to temptation because he doesn't fear the consequences.

3. There's a culture of "we're above the rules" among the elite.

4. On the other hand, maybe everybody is a pervert and it's just not reported among the poor and powerless.

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