Son Pops Out Of A Car’s Backseat To The Confusion Of His Family

6 years ago

When the Richter Family piled into the car, they were all excited about going on vacation for spring break. But when they started taking a video to help capture the moment, their excitement reached a whole new level. As they looked into the video camera, they saw a hooded head pop up out of the backseat and they all began screaming! The surprise guest was their son and brother Rowan, finally home from the Marines. He decided to hide in the car, waiting for his moment to surprise his family!

Going on vacation with your family is always a fun time, especially when the entire clan can be together. A moment to bond and create memories that will last a lifetime. Sometimes vacations can take a surprising turn, and things aren't always what you expect. This was exactly the case for the Richter Family, but the memory that was about to be created was not what any of them expected.

Dad was taking a video to remember their eventful journey, when a hooded figure appeared in the backseat. Suddenly he says "wait, Rowan, a little to the right," as his son pokes his head up and into the shot of the video camera, Mom gets a confused look on her face and asks "Rowan?" before excitedly screaming! Rowan's siblings join in on the screams, covering their mouths with their eyes open wide. Everyone was shocked at first, but seconds later, they started celebrating. This family could obviously not be more surprised!

Dad was the only one in the family that knew his son was in the backseat. He had worked out the whole plan with his son prior to them loading up the vehicle for their vacation. Dad waited until no one was looking and then secretly opened the back door to their SUV and got his son Rowan to hide behind the seats so that no one could see him. They plotted to use a video camera in the prank so they would be able to capture this amazing and heartwarming surprise on video to watch back.

Everyone was totally shocked and completely overjoyed. Mom even gets out of the car holding her chest and crying "oh my god, that scared the hell out of me! He's home, he's home!" Rowan's sisters help him out of the back of the car so he can embrace with his family and celebrate his surprise return home! As Rowan climbs into the front seat, all he has to say "hey guys" like he is just returning home from the grocery store.

While everyone is screaming and crying, it is hilarious to watch his dad, who was in on the surprise. He just smiles the whole time into the camera while enjoying his family all being together once again. He is obviously very proud with his prank and he cannot get the smile off his face!

Have you ever experienced a joyous surprise quite like this? Share your stories with us in the comments!

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