Junayd Baghdadi जुनैद बगदादी جنید بغدادی کی سوانح عمری اور ان کے مزار کی تاریخ

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Biography of Junayd Baghdadi and the history of his shrine

Dekhti Aankhooon aur sountay kaanoon ko Asslamoalaikum, sisters, brothers friends and elders, in informative series videos of Islamic ascolars, sufisaints, cultural heritages, islamic philosophys, islamic mysticisms and historical figures. today we are describing biography of Junayd Baghdadi and the history of his shrine.

Junayd Baghdadi was a Persian mystic and one of the most famous of the early Islamic saints. He is a central figure in the spiritual lineage of many Sufi orders.

Junayd taught in Baghdad throughout his lifetime and was an important figure in the development of Sufi doctrine. Like Hasan of Basra before him, was widely revered by his students and disciples as well as quoted by other mystics. Because of his importance in Sufi theology, Junayd was often referred to as the "Sultan".

The exact birth date of Abu-l-Qasim al-Junayd ibn Muhammad ibn al-Junayd al-Khazzaz al-Qawariri is disputed and ranges from 210 to 215 AH according to Abdel-Kader. His death is more certain and ranges from 296 to 298 AH (908 to 910 CE). It is believed that al-Junayd was of Persian ancestry, with his ancestors originating in Nihawand in modern-day Iran. Al-Junayd was raised by his uncle Sirri Saqti after being orphaned as a boy. Al-Junayd's early education included teachings from Ab? Thawr, Ab? 'Ubayd, al-harith al-Muhasibi, and Sari ibn Mughallas.

As to the hagiography by Attar of Nishapur, the Tazkirat al-Awliya, had felt the pain of divine separation since childhood. Regardless of spiritual sorrow, he was known for his quick understanding and discipline when Sirri Saqti accepted him. According to Attar, Junayd was only seven years of age when Sirri Saqti took him along for the Hajj. In al-Masjid an-Nabawi, there were 400 sheikhs discussing the concept of ‘thankfulness’ whereby each expounded his own view. When Sirri Saqti told him to present his definition, Junayd said, "Thankfulness means that should not disobey God by means of the favour which he has bestowed upon you nor make of His favour a source of disobedience." The sheikhs unanimously agreed that no other words could define the term better. Sirri Saqti asked Junayd from where he could learn all this. Junayd replied, "From sitting with you."

His traditional hagiography continues by stating that Junayd went back to Baghdad and took up selling glasses. However, he spent most of the time in prayer. Hence, he retired to the porch of Sirri Saqti's house and kept himself away from worldly matters, devoting his thoughts only to God. People need to "relinquish natural desires, to wipe out human attributes, to discard selfish motives, to cultivate spiritual qualities, to devote oneself to true knowledge, to do what is best in the context of eternity, to wish good for the entire community, to be truly faithful to God, and to follow the Prophet in the matters of the Shari’a." This starts with the practice of asceticism (zuhd) and continues with withdrawal from society, intensive concentration on devotion (ibadah) and remembrance (dhikr) of God, sincerity (ikhlas), and contemplation (muraqaba) respectively; contemplation produces fana.

Junayd spend 40 years in his mystic course praying while sacrificing his sleep and any other worldly desires, but then a conceit in his heart arose that he has achieved his goal.[citation needed] By then he inspired by God that "He who is not worthy of union, all his good works are but sins." This meant that the prayers which become a source of pride are useless, as true prayer makes a person more humble and devoted to God. His name became famous in many parts of the world despite the persecution he faced and the tongues of slander shot at him. Even then, he did not start preaching until 30 of the great saints indicated to him that he should now call men to God. However, he chose not to preach as yet, saying, "While the master is there, it is not seemly for the disciple to preach." After witnessing Muhammad in his dream commanding him to preach, he had to listen to Sirri Saqtiy.[citation needed] The intensity of ishq poured out of a speech of Junayd such that out of the 40 people he first preached, 18 died and 22 fainted. His caliph and most dear disciple was Abu Bakr Shibli.

Junayd helped establish the "sober" school of Sufi thought, which meant that he was very logical and scholarly about his definitions of various virtues, tawhid, etc. Sober Sufism is characterized by people who "experience fana [and] do not subsist in that state of selfless absorption in God but find themselves returned to their senses by God. Such returnees from the experience of selflessness are thus reconstituted as renewed selves," just like an intoxicated person sobering up. For example, Junayd is quoted as saying, "The water takes on the color of the cup." While this might seem rather confusing at first, ‘Abd al-Hakeem Carney explains it as: "When the water is understood here to refer to the Light of Divine self-disclosure, we are led to the important concept of 'capacity,' whereby the Divine epiphany is received by the heart of any person according to that person’s particular receptive capacity and will be 'colored' by that person’s nature".

Also, according to Sells, "Junayd seems to presuppose that his hearer or reader has had the experience about which he is speaking – or, even more radically, that the hearer or reader is able to enter that experience, or some re-creation of it – at the moment of encounter with Junayd's words." This statement makes it seem like Junayd was writing to a specific sect of the elite that he described earlier. The elite that he refers to are the elect, or "a tightly knit group of 'brethren' that Junayd designates by such phrases as 'the choice of believers' or 'the pure ones'. They play significant roles in the community of believers

Die in April 13, 910 AD (age 80 years), Baghdad, Iraq

The Tomb of Imam Junayd Al Baghdadi stands as a significant shrine in Baghdad, attracting visitors and pilgrims alike with its historical and spiritual relevance. This sacred site is dedicated to Imam Junayd, a prominent figure in Islamic mysticism and Sufism, whose teachings continue to inspire many. The shrine exudes a sense of tranquility, making it a perfect spot for reflection and contemplation amidst the hustle and bustle of the city.

Visitors will find the architecture of the tomb both captivating and serene, adorned with intricate details that reflect the rich cultural heritage of the region. Surrounded by lush gardens and peaceful pathways, the shrine invites tourists to take a leisurely stroll and absorb the atmosphere of reverence that envelops the site. As you explore, you may encounter local worshippers and travelers, all drawn to this sacred space for its spiritual significance.

While the Tomb of Imam Junayd Al Baghdadi is a place of deep respect, it also serves as a reminder of the historical tapestry of Baghdad, a city that has been a crossroads of civilizations for centuries. As you visit, take the time to learn about the life and legacy of Imam Junayd and how his teachings have shaped Sufi practices. This location not only enriches your understanding of Islamic culture but also provides a unique opportunity to engage with the spiritual heritage of Iraq

With this, we seek your permission until tomorrow, tomorrow we will describe the biography of Mawlana Khalid Sharazuri and the history of his Shrine. Allah Hafiz.

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