CIA propaganda American people

7 days ago

CIA propaganda American people
the media is owned and lies to you

New York Times
Washington Post
Rolling Stone

All media news, social media democrat owned platforms

cell phone companies

The media is owned by the Jewish democrats, and they created laws to propaganda the American people; so, they do, and anyone that rises up to tell the truth they do “HIT JOBS” on, and call the truth “conspiracy theories”. Google search engines are full of “hit jobs” on the truth. They are trying to destroy the U. S. Constitution that gives you protection, privacy, and rights under the Protestant Christians that wrote these documents. God has super powers, and still uses weapons like the fiery swords; all people need to use guns for protection; never give up your firearms, how will you protect your family? Everything can be used as a weapon: rope, gas, scissors, water, electricity. a vehicle, knife, ax, etc.… If God uses weapons, when he has super powers, then humans need some form of a weapon to protect their families, unless you plan to physically fist-fight the intruder; which is why most people die, they did not have a weapon.
The democrat party constantly attacks all republican election donor’s; and those are the fossil fuel, coal, gun-makers. LOOK, when they try to bring in the NEW GREEN DEAL, if it attacks republican companies, and stop the people from being able to heat their homes for free, without being controlled by a BLACK ROCK electric grid that the democrats can turn off. Normally all new green deals are making people dependent, instead of independent, like God provided.
Operation Mockingbird, is the CIA plans, to control all of the media, so, they can feed the American people lies and propaganda through magazines, newspapers, and the nightly news stations, and tap telephones of newspaper columnists. The media is owned; and lies to you through Newsweek, TIME, New York Times, Washington Post, Rolling Stone, news stations, newspapers, etc. Also, through social media that is Jewish democrat owned platforms, and cell phone companies.
The CIA is underground in military bases, processing all data. WATCH the Edward Snowden 2016 MOVIE, Snowden revealed that they were spying on all Americans through turned-off cellphones, your email provider, smart tv’s, appliances, and much more. Edward was tricked into developing some software for the government, then they used it on the American people; he revealed everything, and had to go hide in Russia. The government calls him a traitor, for rising up, to warn the world what the evil democrat devil people are doing; spying on them, turning on, turned-off phones, and laptops cameras and mics that are off. Watch the movie. Snowden is not a traitor, but a saint, as all of the other military workers are underground spying on us and never let us know. They force all of them to sign secrecy agreements, which we need to stop and make illegal. The government calls all of the truth, “conspiracy theories” and they own all media and social media and search engines to control the truth from getting out. They remove any posts or videos of truth.

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