Do You Know Jesus?

2 days ago

Society places value on who you are connected to because we use our connections to accomplish things on earth. But none of that will matter when you die.

The only thing that will matter is if you knew Jesus. There are many people who think they are Christians. They volunteer in churches and try to do the Lord's work, but they are in for a big surprise when they die because they never repented. It's one thing to know about Jesus versus knowing Him.

Paul was a passionate follower of God who discarded his old life as a Pharisee to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He was fully acquainted with the character of Jesus, the suffering Christ endured, and looked forward to a future resurrection. The question is, do you know personally know Jesus?

It has nothing to do with being a church member, doing good works, prayer, or water baptism. God has a simple purpose for you and it begins with getting to know the Son of God. Don't let fear hold you back.
Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1882 -- OCTOBER 16, 2022
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