Pearl Jam - Indifference (With Lyrics) | A Song of Struggle, Endurance & Hope

10 days ago

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Today, I listened to Indifference by Pearl Jam, and this song hits deep. I can relate to it on so many levels—both in active addiction and in sobriety. It captures the endurance and loneliness that both paths can bring.

For me, this is a song about perseverance. Sometimes, it feels like nothing makes a difference, but in reality, it does—more than we know. This track also reminds me of my best friend who is still struggling with addiction. It hurts to know he’s suffering, and there’s nothing I can do except stay sober and keep hoping.

A huge thank you to Pearl Jam for making this song. It’s raw, real, and speaks to the soul.

#pearljam #indifference #grungemusic #addictionrecovery #sobrietyjourney

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