Chinese Communist Party Sets Up Multiple Underground Courts Across the U.S.

1 month ago

01/29/2025 Daily Caller News Foundation: The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is imposing its justice system on American soil using a web of U.S.-based nonprofits linked to a CCP intelligence agency. Located throughout California, the greater Washington D.C. area, Hawaii, and New York, the network of more than a dozen nonprofits share information with CCP law enforcement officials, and some also host unsanctioned courtrooms in the U.S.
#CCP #JusticeSystem #USNonprofits #UnsanctionedCourtroom
01/29/2025 每日来电新闻基金会:中共正通过一系列与中共情报机构有关联的美国非营利组织网络,将其司法系统强加到美国领土上。这个网络由十多个非营利组织组成,分布在加利福尼亚州、大华盛顿地区、夏威夷和纽约等地,它们不仅与中共执法部门共享信息,其中一些甚至在美国境内设立了未经授权的法庭。
#中共 #司法系统 #美国非盈利组织 #未授权法庭

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