Chuck Schumer: "Senators Will Have To Decide If Donald John Trump Incited The Erection"

1 month ago

Posted • January 30, 2025: We are not psychiatrists, but we think we've seen enough evidence now to suggest that someone REALLY needs to check in on Senator Chuck Schumer to see if he is OK. Or, at the very least, someone needs to look into what kind of material he is reading or what movies he is watching. Everyone remembers Schumer's infamous Freudian slip after January 6 when he accused Donald Trump of 'inciting an erection.' But we'll share the video again because it was just that embarrassing for Schumer (and we love that sort of thing). —— Schumer: "Senators will have to decide if Donald John Trump incited the erection." —— Talk about your all-time … ahem … boners. We're pretty sure Schumer was describing the feeling he was getting by pushing bogus charges at his political enemy, but who knows what he was thinking? Maybe he was just fantasizing about grilling up some more raw hamburgers.

We didn't think that Schumer could beat that gaffe, but it turns out that we underestimated him. While trying to gaslight Americans about Trump's temporary freeze on federal grant funding, he had another unintentionally hilarious moment with his choice of words. —— Schumer: "I haven't seen people so aroused in a very, very long time." —— Umm …WHAT? Without the aid of a Thesaurus, here is a list of words off the top of our head that Schumer could have used to describe how his voters and Democrat colleagues felt: Energized, animated, excited, spirited, galvanized, inspired, amped, or fired up. In other words, pretty much any word but 'aroused.' If this was another Freudian moment for Schumer, maybe we don't want to go poking around in that head of his. That's a little too scary to even contemplate. As you can imagine, the memes and GIFs started flowing in immediately (notice we said 'flowing' and not 'gushing' because we are not weirdos like Schumer).

It's true - even Patty Murray is making her aroused face. LOL. Murray looked like she had just come from an audition to be an extra on The Walking Dead. […] Regardless of Schumer's unintentional subconscious Freudian moment at the podium, someone should probably send him the memo that Americans are not falling for Democrats' gaslighting of the temporary funding freeze. We all know what it is and it is nothing like what they are saying, like 'Trump is canceling Medicaid! RRREEEEE!' In a way, that makes Schumer's phrasing perfect. People already weren't taking him seriously. By telling us all how 'aroused' we are, he just confirmed that we are correct not to. Lay off those blue pills, Chuck. They're not having the effect you intended. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - PHRASING, BOOM! Chuck Schumer's Latest Unfortunate Slip of the Tongue Was a Real DOOZY
Rumble: Chuck Schumer: "I Haven't Seen People So Aroused In A Very, Very Long Time"

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