Brian Tyler Cohen doesn't care if Roman Polanski pees next to your daughter

1 month ago

Brian Tyler Cohen doesn't care if Roman Polanski pees next to your daughter

Recently, Brian Tyler Cohen posted some powerful arguments, I mean some memes that attempted to downplay XY chromosome male predators from going into the XX chromosome women’s restroom just to pee & wash their hands.

What’s the big deal he’s implying, all these pedophile men want to do is “change” their gender, walk into your daughter’s locker room to pee, wash their hands & then leave. What’s the big deal, man?

The big deal is Byron, if you “change” your gender & try to enter my daughter’s locker room you will get to meet me, which will likely not be pleasant for a little man like yourself (that’s as far as I’ll go w/ that) & you will have a meeting w/ the Sheriff, so if you travel by plane, train or bus – you might want to make it a one-way, you’ll be here a while.

This is where I responded to Byron Taylor Cornhole archived

Byron is going full steam ahead w/ men pretending to be women, intimidating your 10-year-old while she gets ready for soccer practice or a day at the local pool or whatever

Think about it folks. Joe Biden likes to pardon some creepy, evil people & if he hypothetically pardoned a predator like Roman Polanski who then “changed” his gender to XX, Brianna Tyler Cohen would be totally okay w/ that sick human being going into your 10-year-old daughter’s locker room, urinating & then washing his hands.

Of course, Roman Polanski might also try to grope your daughter or molest her, but that’s a small price to pay for civil rights.

Byron’s now knows you cannot “change” your gender, I’ve given the little man the #science facts & he knows this is the truth. That said, does he get off on thinking about predatory men intimidating little girls in the locker room?

Is this why he defends fat, old men dressing in lingerie & reading to preteens? If you have a hissy fit when male pedophiles are not allowed in the women’s locker room & if you throw a tantrum when fat, old men are not allowed to dress in lingerie & read to preteens – that tells us a lot more about you than anyone else.

Spread this around folks, if people like Byron have their way, they want it to be illegal for you to call the police when a male pedophile is hanging out in the same dressing room as your preteen daughter.

Right now, in Iowa & many other places, that is rightly illegal & that person will get arrested. If the Democrats have their way, they will change that. Do NOT forget what they want to do to your little girls.

Brian Tyler Cohen would allow a 19-year old High School Senior to “change” his gender & hang out in the same locker room as your 14-year-old daughter & also perhaps take her spot on the team. This is insane, but so is Brian Tyler Cohen. He’s probably not as mentally ill as Sam Seder, but he’ll give him a run for his money.

BONUS: Democrats care about dead black kids, but only when it’s politically expedient

Double Bonus: Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport probably gets excited thinking about male predators hanging out w/ little girls, isn’t that right Sam?

PS if the Dumocrats want to bar sex offenders from "changing" their gender, that's great -- but wouldn't that be bigoted? There are people in prison getting sex changes, this is absolutely insane.

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