Megyn Kelly In The Background Was ALL Of Us When Bernie Sanders Asked RFK Jr. To Condemn Onesies

1 month ago

Posted • January 30, 2025: The Senate Finance Committee held a confirmation hearing for Trump's pick to head up the Dept. of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The flailing from lefties on the committee was plentiful, but one of the most ridiculous moments of the many came when Sen. Bernie Sanders asked RFK Jr. the following question: "ARE YOU SUPPORTIVE OF THESE ONESIES?" Yes indeed, that's what Sanders used part of his time for. Wow, we haven't seen Bernie that upset since Ben & Jerry's discontinued "Vladimir Lenin Lime." Notice Megyn Kelly's reaction in the background that rational people everywhere can relate to. Kelly's background reaction was the perfect accompaniment to Sanders' onesie rant. Megyn Kelly laughing in the background just makes this that much more fun. Megyn Kelly loling uncontrollably in the background is all of us. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Megyn Kelly in the Background was ALL of Us When Bernie Sanders Asked RFK Jr. to Condemn Onesies

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