
1 month ago

🤨my movie script idea is a cruise ship out in the ocean with Sharks like in deep blue see Piranhas, Alligators in the water cruise ship ends up breaking down leaving them stranded have to swim to the island not all can fit in boats so they get eaten by whats in the water.. people make attempts to swim to the boat get eaten alot of dying in this script while trying to get to island during the travel entities are possessing people like in evil dead 2013 and fatal accidents are happening like in final destination 3
everyone just trying to survive this trip... the island they take boat to has dinosaurs like tyrannosaurus Rexes ,Pterodactylus, Velociraptors etc, and they all get eaten no one survives good movie script plot... movie script 2 the search for the broken down cruise ship and lost Survivors.. they all die in crazy ways to.. that 2 movie scripts🤨

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