here's proof that i do eat since it's so hard to believe

7 days ago

this vegan salad is actually pretty good
unintentional asmr
most people my age have a way better job
many of them live off the govt
i don't even know how to make $ off the internet
another failed attempt to do another thing on the internet
i still have the card tho
all this new stuff is so annoying
thelonious should get jealous if i spend time w/ any other cars, it's why i have to tell him that he's still my favorite if i compliment another vehicle for any reason
i read that when people are narcissistic or sociopathic they have a relationship w/ inanimate objects
i used to be a really shitty person
yes i talk w/ food in my mouth
of course narcissists are delusional!
i feel bad when i'm a bitch tho
why would a sociopath or a narcissist feel bad for feeling bad
they're not taught to be responsible so how can we expect them to be
i'm such a cunt eating this salad in front of yawl
the man in my head calls me out for forgetting
people at my church felt sorry for me today so they bought me mexican food
i'm actually a really skinny person hahaha
but i don't wanna eat more
mental ills eat/drink/shit/fuck random places
we got intrusive thoughts so our boundaries are outta this world
embarrassed by the way i eat but not enough to not shoot this video
you should see me attempt to eat crab legs
tofu is probably rubber
i feel way younger cos i lack the adult responsibilities
i don't wanna snap out of it, i don't think it's sickness
snapping out of it must entail being convinced of the world's horseshit ie working for the devil
you know what state of mind we're in right now
man do i miss smoking weed in cars
you know what the drugs are for
i strongly desire for the world to be better
what i find tends to be bad but mainly nonstop fakery
don't yawl love the little sheep on my hat
i feel like i'm about to pass out
i'm sure you're shocked that i scarf anything down
here's another sign that i need to go inside
i need one of those cones for my head
i always wanna give a dog treats anyway
those magic cookies of mine are pretty good
diy becuz you can trust yourself (hopefully)

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