I Found An Issue! Time To Test Primer Seating Depth Changes.

1 month ago

So, I have noticed an issue! Whether or not it's a problem is a different question. But I decided to go ahead and test some primer seating depth changes!
When I was checking my brass after my last match, I thought I felt a little bump on the bottom of the cases. I did my wobble test again and realized my primers are just sitting a little proud from the case. I seat them perfectly smooth, but it seems after a few days after they are fully loaded, the push out just a little.
I have had no issues firing or accuracy problems, so this is more of a peace of mind kind of problem I want to figure out.
I am glad I did! For one, I got more firings on my other lot of brass. But mainly, I found that 1 thousandth deeper gave same results, but going 2 thousandths deeper doubled my ES and SD numbers!! Wild how only that change could have such a detrimental effect on my numbers.
I will say, my groups on target looked just fine, at least for my PRS needs.
But, seeing this, I think I will go 1 thousandth deeper for my match ammo and I should be good. I may have stopped just a little too early when I set up my CPS.
I guess it may be time to buy a fancy primer seating depth gauge now!
I do like having all the data I can get!!
Let me know what you think and especially if there is anything else I need to check or test!
Thanks for watching and I hope you have a great rest of your day and an awesome weekend!!

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