How To Cure Climate Change Anxiety in 2025

1 month ago

Liberate your mind from the anxiety and guilt foisted on us by the climate change activists. The world isn't ending. The video is a guide to cut through the propaganda of the media and the politicians, giving the real numbers about forest fires, hurricanes, tornadoes and sea level rise. Life has never been better.
0:00 Enduring Joy
0:24 Uncle Blerf
2:16 CO2 Science
4:18 Ice core results
6:04 Less Forest Fires
6:50 Hurricane/Tornado/Flood
7:59 Polar Bears are fine
10:43 You are not alone
11:36 Team Greta
13:13 Michael Mann loses
14:07 97% of scientists
14:35 Doomsters embarrassing
14:58 Greenland is solid
16:43 Mainstream media
20:51 Hypocrisy
Links: Climate the Movie
The 97% Myth
UN Chief Displays Trudeau-level Stupidity

Acknowledgements and Photo credits:, Tom Wang,, The Best Climate Clip I've Ever Seen by Ivor Cummins from Climate Clips,, polar bear and damnation AI from Grok, Iceland footage from Touropia.

Narrated by Blerfnerg Ghobloudian. You can support the channel at

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