Family Tree - Levels 1 - 5 - January 2025

1 month ago

What is Family Tree?

Family Tree is a game where the player needs to needs to use logic to figure out familial relations; create a family tree; given a bunch of clues.

Is this a pay-to-play game? What do you get for spending real world cash?

Should the player support the developers of the game with real world cash, the game will turn off ads and give the players some clues and other in-game benefits.

What are the pros and cons of this game?

Good logic puzzle.
We have not encountered any bugs in the game.
There is a mini-game where the player can build a city.
This is a child-safe game.
Has a way to give the player a clue.

There is no soothing background music.
Banner ads at the bottom of the screen while playing the game.
Mandatory ads between levels.
While children can play this game, the logic with familial relations may be beyond their capacity.

What's the bottom line?
Fans of family tree logic games will enjoy this offering. There are lots of levels and this game can and does increase the difficulty of the puzzles. However if one is not well-versed in solving such puzzles, frustrations will quickly set in.

AI Music and Video provided by

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