Want to Overcome Depression? Oils Matter #Chapter1 #14

1 month ago

View all LINKS and supporting content mentioned in this episode HERE: https://imaquarius.com/want-to-overcome-depression-oils-matter/

Listen to the full podcast at https://overcomedepression.buzzsprout.com

If you want to overcome depression, good oils matter. In this podcast episode, Jennifer Stirling-Campbell discusses the significance of choosing good oils, including virgin olive oil and coconut oil, avocado oil, butter, ghee, nuts, seeds, and organic animal fats. On the other hand, she discusses how highly-refined "plastic" oils are impossible for our bodies to process affectively. Startlingly, the chemicals in these seed oils, margarine, and vegetable oils STORE in the body, contributing to obesity, toxicity, disease, and...depression! Jennifer advocates instead for a diet rich in omega-3's and other quality fats for optimal brain function, stressing that healthy standards lead to overall well-being.

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