A New Media Landscape, Ben & Jerry’s CRINGE Ad, & NY Magazine’s Petty Cover I Underreported Stories

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The White House claims it’s opening up press briefings to podcasters and joining me to discuss this story and more is Daily Signal Political Reporter Bradley Devlin. Plus, Ben & Jerry’s latest ad proves the company is more focused on activism than ice cream. And New York Magazine gets caught altering reality. Let’s break down these underreported stories the mainstream media won’t touch.

PS - this show was record on 1/29, so update since recording: the White House has rescinded the memo that ordered the temporary pause, but has not rescinded the executive order!!

1. Ben & Jerry’s Releases Odd Ad Promoting Itself As Leftist Activist Company - Libs of TikTok
2. Federal Government Spent $250K Documenting “Transrural Lives” - The Daily Wire
3. Community Notes Calls Out Bank Of America For Allegedly Debanking Conservatives - Libs of TikTok
4. Florida Democratic Party Official Arrested On Child P*rn Charges - New York Post
5. Selena Gomez Shares Video Crying - Insider Paper

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White House Shakeup: 0:00
NY Magazine Drama: 7:08
Ben & Jerry’s Odd Ad: 14:03
Insane Gov Spending: 24:07
Community Notes vs Bank of America: 31:36
Florida Dem Official Arrested: 40:02
Selena Gomez Crying Video: 45:30
Real or Satire?: 50:51

#WhiteHousePressBriefing #KarolineLeavitt #BenAndJerrys #MediaBias #PressFreedom #WokeCorporations #PoliticalPodcast #BreakingNews #MainstreamMediaLies

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