Toxic Masculinity vs. Toxic Femininity Ep. 338

1 month ago

In today's episode, Dr. Karin and Pastor Elliott tackle a conversation they've been wanting to have for a long time: Toxic Masculinity vs. Toxic Femininity.

We cover the following:
- Defining both toxicities (including A.I.'s definitions...)
- How do these traits present themselves in individuals and within our relationships?
- How does nature vs. nurture impact these traits?
- What role does societal expectations play?
- What's the Biblical perspective on this topic?
- How do we navigate these gender dynamics?

Thank you for joining today. Please leave us comment and let us know what you think of this episode and other content you want us to cover in 2025!

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Dr. Karin & Pastor Elliott Anderson
Empowered Dating Playbook:
Instagram: @dr.karin | @pastorelliottanderson

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