Dr. Robert Malone

1 month ago

This is the man who created the mRNA technology. He made this video mainly to address parents and to heavily advise them not to vaccinate their children. He states that it causes irreversible damage and mentions brain lesions in particular. We have observed it ourselves in our friends, family and peers. Those who received the vaccine changed. They were no longer the same. Permanent personality changes.

His name is Dr. Robert Malone. I believe that
had interviewed him once. He was banned for violating Twitters rules during the pandemic for attempting to warn the general public about the danger. They mixed it into politics and divided us into those who knew and those who did not. Those who did not know refused to listen, and they believe everything that they read on Facebook.

Those who knew were ignored, belittled, bullied, canceled, and deplatformed. They very quickly silenced the voices of doctors who cared about their patients. Caring about your patients should be the bare minimum of being involved in health care. If they could not be silenced, they were bribed, and possibly if all else failed, killed.

This went on for years. I don't know how they expect to ever gain the trust of the people back again. However, it does seem that Trump has himself an army of people who believe him without question, and that is a problem. The idea was to bring the power back to the people, at some point we need to be making the choices. We should be running this country together.

Perhaps that is not possible anymore.

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