Bankrupting Governments AI Is Simply The Occult Bid To Create Life Tony Gosling Richie Allen 29Jan25

1 month ago

Richie is joined by author and broadcaster Tony Gosling. On today's show, Tony and Richie discuss the advance of Artificial Intelligence, the UK farmers protests, gangsterism in local councils, the Israeli government's real plan for Gaza and more.

Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry
John J. Robinson

This is my absolute favorite non-fiction book. I have been facinated by Masonic lore probably since I saw the movie "The Man Who Would Be King," (reminding me I should read that book), and with "Born in Blood" feel I have found the Holy Grail of Masonic mystery unveiled. Though it is non-fiction, historical research material, the author is adept at weaving an amazing and simultaneously convincing story of matching connections through research, intuition and serendipity. Along the way he peppers in the most interesting of unrelated discoveries, like why chess pieces move on the board the way they do. I cannot recommend this book more highly. Whether you are searching for definitive answers in the Masonic-Templar question, or just love a facinating revelation of history (Where does our modern banking system originate? Why are "junior" Masonic fraternities call "DeMolays" and "Why is Fri. 13 unlucky?), this book quenches a thirst, a gives you some facts to feel smug about at cocktail parties. Does anyone remember the TV series "Connections" with James Burke? It's rather like that.

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