Episode 2902:The Power of the Holy Name - Nightly Episode

1 month ago

“O my God, at the end of this day I thank You most heartily for all the graces I have received from You. I am sorry that I have not made better use of them. I am sorry for all the sins I have committed against You. Forgive me, O my God, and graciously protect me this night. Blessed Virgin Mary, my dear heavenly mother, take me under your protection. St. Joseph, my dear Guardian Angel, and all you saints of God, pray for me. Sweet Jesus, have pity on all poor sinners, and save them from hell. Have mercy on the suffering souls in purgatory. Amen.”
The Power of the Holy Name and the Simplicity of Faith
Welcome to today’s episode, where we will reflect on the power of faith in the Holy Name of Jesus and the humility required to truly trust in God. Too often, we place too much confidence in our own understanding, forgetting that faith—true faith—is not a product of human reason alone, but a divine gift. Today, we will draw wisdom from Bl. Henry Suso and Thomas à Kempis to rediscover the strength of Christ’s Name and the necessity of childlike trust in God.

Segment 1: The Power of the Holy Name
Bl. Henry Suso reminds us:
"Faith in Jesus and in the power of His Holy Name is the greatest spiritual force in the world today. It is a source of joy and inspiration in our youth; of strength in our manhood, when only His Holy Name and His grace can enable us to overcome temptation; of hope, consolation, and confidence at the hour of our death, when more than ever before, we realize that the meaning of Jesus is ‘Lord, the Savior.’ We should bow in reverence to His Name and submission to His Holy Will."
This quote captures the profound reality of Christ’s Name—a Name above all names, a Name at which every knee shall bow (Philippians 2:10). In a world where God’s name is too often profaned, we must rekindle devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus, recognizing that it is not merely a word, but a reality with power.
From our youth to our final breath, the Name of Jesus is our strength. In our early years, faith in Him gives us joy and inspiration; as we grow, it becomes our weapon against temptation; and at the hour of our death, His Name alone is our hope. This is why, throughout the centuries, Catholics have practiced the devotion of invoking the Holy Name, whether in times of temptation or trial.
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux famously taught that simply speaking the Name of Jesus brings light to the mind and sweetness to the soul. The saints knew what many of us forget—that Jesus is not just a figure from history, but a living presence, always ready to respond when we call upon Him in faith.
Do we use His Name with reverence? Do we bow our heads when we hear it spoken? Do we entrust our lives to the power of His Name? This is what Bl. Henry Suso urges us to do—to submit to His Holy Will and trust in His saving power.
Segment 2: True Faith vs. Human Pride
The world often tells us to rely on our own intelligence, to question everything, and to seek knowledge without end. While knowledge is not evil, Thomas à Kempis warns us of the danger of excessive trust in human reason:
"And whatsoever thou art not enabled to understand, that commit without anxiety to Almighty God. God deceiveth thee not; he is deceived who believeth too much in himself. God walketh with the simple, revealeth Himself to the humble, giveth understanding to babes, openeth the sense to pure minds, and hideth grace from the curious and proud. Human reason is weak and may be deceived; but true faith cannot be deceived."
This is a profound reminder that faith is not about fully comprehending the mysteries of God but about trusting Him. We live in an age that elevates human reason above divine revelation, where people demand proof before they believe. But Christ Himself praised those who believe without seeing (John 20:29).
Thomas à Kempis calls us to humility. God does not reveal Himself to the proud but to the simple. This does not mean ignorance is a virtue, but rather that faith requires trust. Many of the greatest saints were not highly educated theologians; they were men and women of deep prayer who simply believed in God’s promises.
When we encounter trials, sufferings, or questions we cannot answer, do we panic? Or do we surrender these things to God? The proud man seeks control, but the humble man finds peace.
Segment 3: Living Out These Truths
How, then, can we apply these lessons in our daily lives?
1. Invoke the Holy Name of Jesus – Whether in temptation, distress, or gratitude, call upon His Name with faith. This simple act can change your day, and even your eternity.
2. Practice humility in faith – Accept that some mysteries are beyond human understanding and surrender your anxieties to God. Let Him reveal truth in His time.
3. Reverence for God’s Name – In a world that takes God’s Name in vain, be a counter-witness. Bow your head at His Name, speak it with devotion, and correct those who misuse it.
4. Pray for true faith – Ask for the faith of a child, the trust of the saints, and the humility to follow where Christ leads.
The Name of Jesus is our strength, and humble trust in Him is our security. As we conclude today, let us lift up our hearts in prayer, entrusting ourselves to Christ’s Holy Name.
Conclusion Prayer
“Lord Jesus Christ, Your Name is above all names, the Name by which we are saved. We bow before You in humility, knowing that all things are in Your hands. Increase our faith, O Lord, that we may trust in You completely.
Free us from pride and self-reliance, and give us the simplicity of heart that pleases You. May we call upon Your Holy Name in every moment of our lives, and may Your grace sustain us in times of trial.
Reveal Yourself to us, O Lord, as You have to the humble and the pure of heart. Let our lives be a testimony to the power of Your Name, and may we never waver in our faith. We ask this through Your most holy Name, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.”
Thank you for joining today’s episode. May we always find strength in the Name of Jesus and peace in surrendering to His will. Until next time, God bless you!

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