Papaya salad

1 month ago

Today's menu is papaya salad, a popular T hai food, and the ingredients used are: 1 papaya, 4 fresh chili peppers, 4 garlic cloves, cooked fish sauce, seasoning, 1 lime, 1 eggplant, cut into thin slices and put together to add color to make it look delicious, fresh shrimp or shrimp that have been boiled until cooked, cooked apple clams
How to make it: Peel the papaya and chop it into thin strips. Soak in water for 5 minutes, then add chili and garlic, pound them together until fine, and season with cooked fish sauce, add MSG, add lime juice. Forgot to say that add tomatoes cut into pieces and put them in the mortar, add fish sauce, lime, cut into pieces, squeeze some water into the mortar, mix together and taste. If you get the taste you want, add papaya, fresh shrimp, and apple snails, pound together, then scoop onto a plate and serve.

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