21 hours ago

This is a surreptitious recording of a Court Ordered psychiatric evaluation of Gerard Beloin by a judge with close ties to his political opponents. Gerard is now a candidate for US Senate in 2026. The ORDER for him to have a psychiatric evaluation was made public. The results showing he was perfectly fine and was undefeated in 24 court cases, were ORDERED sealed. It is now official. This is harassment by court ORDER.

Judge Diane Nicolosi of the Hillsborough County Superior Court - Southern District, ORDERED that this psychiatric evaluation of a declared candidate for US Senate be held in secret. No witnesses were allowed. A videotape of just Mr. Beloin on camera was to be kept sealed under court ORDER indefinitely. We smelled a set up and decided that the ORDER was illegal. It was a direct assault on this candidates 1st Amendment rights and this video is a devastating expose of what Democrat politics in NH has descended to.

Mr. Beloin gave Dr. Comiskey 45 days to report these crimes detailed on these recordings to the proper authorities, as he was legally and morally obligated to do. Dr. Comiskey did done nothing. That is why I'm releasing these videos.

As a Doctor of Psychiatry practicing in NH, he is legally and morally obligated to report serious crimes disclosed to him by his patients. He even admits to it on tape. (Distributed but not yet published)

Part of the Hippocratic Oath

Into whatever houses I enter, I will go into them for the benefit of the sick, and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption. To do good or to do no harm.

The following capital crimes are detailed on these recordings and Dr. Comiskey, the Chief Forensic Psychiatrist Of The NH State Prisons Secure Psychiatric Unit For The Criminally Insane finds these following gruesome crimes not serious enough to report.

Poisoning of political opponents
Conspiracy to frame conservative politician Gerard Beloin on gun threatening charges,
Contract killing,
Interstate transportation of dead bodies,
Improper disposal of dead bodies,
Conspiracy to commit murder,
Multiple murders on the orders of politicians,
Stalking by police officers,
Criminal threatening,
Grand theft larceny.

According to the recordings, these violent crimes are being committed by DEMOCRAT “politicians” and protected by Senators Shaheen and Hassan. One more example of Democrats and Republicans coming together to protect the big government swamp.

Many of these crimes are gruesome, grisly, sick, twisted, frightening and perverted capital crimes that require the death penalty. I waited 45 days after this interview was conducted for Dr. Comisky to report the crimes. He failed to do so. Then I posted this video. As of this date, January 29, 2025, Dr. Comiskey has yet to report these heinous crimes to the authorities as he is legally required to do.

“He doesn't care” and the Shaheen political machine wants these grisly crimes described on the recordings covered up by confiscating and destroying the evidence.

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