Zephiniah KJV

1 month ago

The day of the Lord is at hand. His coming judgment will come and is shortly before us. These are the first words presented by the prophet Zacheria in chapter one. Chapter 1 is a description of God's judgment on those who have sought others to worship. For instance, in ch 1:8 the book says ".. I will punish...such as are clothed with strange apparel." Think back to Genesis Ch 3:21 how God killed an animal and covered Adam and Eve with the skin of that dead animal. The shedding of blood had to take place to cover our nakedness. This is an illusion to the coming Christ who covers our nakedness in sin before God. However, if you happen to wear some other cloth not provided by the Lord, i.e. worshiping Baal to cover you, or hiding behind your money and pride; you are indeed wearing strange apparel, and will be treated as such. None of these will cover you with the grace needed to enter in before God, except the shed blood of Christ.
Chapter 2 moves on to speak of the destruction of particular nations that have come up against Israel and in general have been wicked in nature. He will make them as Sodom and Gamora, and they shall fall to ruin. Interestingly enough, it turns out that the nations spoken of in this chapter can be seen to come from all cardinal directions. The direction of a compass has been used in other parts of the bible to describe significant metaphors or parables (I found this fact out in a lecture by David Pawson so please watch). The amount of enemies that had come against Israel brings the idea of 'compassed about' to a whole new level.
Lastly, there is hope. God is present even in our sin and in our righteousness and still can be found if we turn from evil into His love for us and accept Him. Chapter 3 in general speaks of this hope God has for all to return to him. It concludes with the hope that the Lord will restore what was lost.

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