Apatros Review Ep-0127: Return of The Living Dead: Necropolis [2005]

1 month ago

AR-0127: If you happen to have seen my review on "Day of The Dead 2: Contagium" not too long ago, you'll have heard about the weird coincidence regarding the timing of the original "Day of The Dead" & "ROTLD" and the timing with "DOTD 2" and this particular subject of review, which was the first of two telepic sequels to the original "Return of The Living Dead" mounted by the Sci-Fi Channel in 2005.

Both this and it's successor sequel screened at the same time on the Sci-Fi Channel & both films gained a serious bad reputation [I still remember the internet trash-talking both these films back in the day], with the utter lack of adherence to the lore of the original films, the bad acting, the many logic goofs and the simple fact the zombies here can be taken down by something as weak as a simple punch or kick!

"Return of The Living Dead: Necropolis" is a seriously bad movie, which while not atrocious is still a pile of zombie 💩 best avoided unless you're a fan of the movie or a completing.

To this day never released in Australia, my archive copies being of the American DVD from Lionsgate and the German DVD.

My Grade: D [Bad]

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