The Blacksmiths of Whiterun work for me! OOB (Out of Bounds) [Skyrim] Infinite Gold Glitch

1 month ago

As early as reaching Whiterun, you too can have as much gold and smithing resources as time you repeat this process.

Step 1: Make sure you know what TOD or Time of Day it is.

Step 2: From the gate head to your left until you reach a round about of homes and plants in the center.

Step 3: Make a safety save in case the game freezes *(reload to here)

Step 4: Walk forward to the window of the house until you see your character sinking through the world floor.

Step 5: Turn 180 degrees until you see a big patch of yellow grass texture.

Step 6: Walk to, up, and around the grass until you have a path open to your left.

Step 7: Walk out of the Whiterun city walls, while quickly shifting to your right.

(Note - here is where your game could freeze if done incorrectly)*
When the word "To" shows on screen stay as close to the wall as possible until it disappears. There is an invisible warp "To Skyrim" we are trying to avoid, so be careful.

Step 8: Walk around the outside until you reach the rocks behind the blacksmiths workshop. You can easily walk through as there is no collision.

Step 9: Wait for him to sit at the grindstone, as his money does not show up in the chest until the moment you talk to him. Jump to reach him and ask about buying to make sure he has gold.

Step 10: Move your cursor just underneath the item chest and take what you desire.

To keep doing this endlessly; wait 24 hours from your take, allow him to forge again, wait another 24 hours, talk to him at his grindstone to replenish stock, and loot the chest again.

Enjoy the exploit ^_^

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