Starborn Feline plays Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Ep. 57

4 days ago

We managed to disable Examons power source, and even managed to take down one of the Enemy Royal knights in the process Craniamon. Unfortunately Examon has been cloaked and Kyoko needs time to figure out where it's hidden. So we team up with the Occult club once more to help around the mall, and solve some mysteries while we wait. What is mysterious you ask? Subscribe and follow to see as our story unfolds.

Developer Media.Vision[a]
Publisher Bandai Namco
Platform PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Windows
End song: Relaxed Vlog (Night Street), By Ashot-Danielyan-Composer, Site-Pixabay. Rylty Free
#Digimon #DigimonStories #Stories #Cyber #Sluth #CyberSluth #Switch #Gameplay #CompleteEdition

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