Astrology for the Soul January 29, 2025

30 days ago

There is a magical, mysterious, spiritual world, 
Within the one I know.
I hereby choose to open my heart,
To the wonder and awe of it all.

As discussed in today’s report, this new Moon in Aquarius, trine Jupiter and accompanied with a Venus, Neptune, north node conjunction signifies the possibility of consciously attaining new levels of awareness, letting go of past conditioning that has created misunderstanding, and owning our full creative power. This is not “achieved” through external action, force, or assertion but rather “experienced” within (= experienced).

When we relax and empty/open ourselves to the point of complete inner peace, there is another world within, often referred to as nirvana. When enough brothers and sisters let go of the “battle” to impose themselves on the outer world and realize that the outer world is but a reflected projection of the inner, we will truly begin to create a new paradigm starting with ourselves. Let’s do it!

This week’s song is (of course) The Magical Mystery Tour!
Just remember it’s so much taking away as lighting the way within.

So Much Love,

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