Episode 25: Act Like It’s Working!

1 month ago

Episode 25: Act Like It’s Working! 🎬🎭
🎙 Welcome to Make Your Film, I’m Denis O’Brien—bringing you authentic, no-nonsense advice from producing over 550 productions of all sizes. Today, we’re talking about something crucial—acting your way into confidence and success.

Mindset & Action Go Hand in Hand
Most people think attitude leads to action, but that’s backward. Action leads to attitude. If you wait until you feel confident before taking a step, you’ll never move. You have to start before you feel ready.

Henry Ford once said, "Whether you think you can or you think you can’t—you’re right." Your mind determines your success, and the first step is acting the part. Dr. William Glasser put it this way:
👉 If you want to change your attitude, start with changing your behavior.

Be a Filmmaker NOW
If you want to be a filmmaker, start talking like one, planning like one, working like one.

Write down your ideas.
Make a schedule.
Surround yourself with other creatives.
You have to step into that identity before the world takes you seriously. Look at the greats—Spielberg, Tarantino, DuVernay—before they were household names, they were acting like filmmakers.

The Power of Gratitude & Positivity
Every day, before you do anything, give thanks. Whether it’s to God, the universe, your cat—I don’t care. The point is to start your day with gratitude and positive momentum.

We’re living in the Golden Age of Filmmaking. There has never been a better time to pick up a camera and tell your story. Streaming platforms, social media, and digital tools have leveled the playing field. So stop waiting, stop overthinking, and start moving.

Vision + Inspired Action = Success
Dreaming and visioning are great—they set your direction. But real victories happen when you take inspired action. It’s one thing to say you want to make a film. It’s another to start doing the work, however small.

🎬 So here’s your challenge for today:

Take one action toward your film. Write one page. Make one call. Sketch one storyboard.
Stop thinking you need permission—just go make your film.
🔥 My book is dropping this Friday, and I’m sharing everything I know to help you succeed. Head over to MakeYourFilm.net for resources, tools, and inspiration.

🎥 Now, get out there and MAKE YOUR FILM.

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