The Loft Project - #EP42 GOD & The coming flood of AI (David Beverley Sr)

23 hours ago

David Beverley Sr. is an ordained Minister, husband, father, a technology leader, a professional musician, and an award winning composer - who has worked with Grammy award winners, and has performed guitar on Hank Williams Jr. records (in the 1980s) Crash Craddock, (of Johnny Paycheck era "Take This Job and Shove it" fame) and performed as a side-man for many other artists.

He is a Leading technologist, an author and newspaper columnist, and a speaker who hopes to use his eclectic skill-set and 'experiential expertise' and unorthodox thinking and methodology to help others 'think differently' - to challenge what they've been taught in almost every sphere of thought, to strengthen and grow their faith in Christ Jesus through hearing the leading of Holy Spirit - and to enable them to stand in these last days!

"Let your light shine before men, that they would see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

"In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths."

David has written 100s of newspaper columns (a.k.a. - Jesusfreak computergeek - jesusfreakcomputergeek .com) You can find many of the archives at his website.

He is a former NASA employee - having served as IT Administration and technical support for multiple NASA orbital science platforms - developed at Goddard Space Flight Center: EOS TERRA, EOS AQUA, LANDSAT 7, The Hubble in-Orbit Repair Missions, and the early days of development for the James Webb Space-Telescope.

David served as technical lead and point of contact for Special Projects Initiatives Office:

North Pole 1999 Project, Iterralde Crater Expedition, the YouBe the Scientist - Educational Outreach programs, GVAR GOES data processing - and led the INDEXED VIDEO DATABASE system development - used at the Goddard Library for Knowledge Management efforts.

These efforts took him to the proverbial ends-of-the-earth in support of NASA field science efforts. He has been to the North Pole twice to support ground truthing / instrument calibration efforts on two NASA polar orbiting spacecraft - in 1999 and again in 2002.

He served as communications and technical support for the Iterralde Crater Expedition, which was a study of a meteor impact crater in the Bolivian Jungle. This crater was discovered in the 1980s by a LANDSAT orbital science platform. It was in the most remote part of the Amazon basin, where no humans had ever traveled previously.

David served as technical advisor and lead-engineer of a automated, remote-controlled ground station at McMurdo Sound - Antarctica. It was a technology that he had created/engineered. It was used a data-ingest point for POLAR ORBITING SPACECRAFT in Earth orbit over Antarctica.

David is a student of Biblical scripture and has studied PALEO HEBREW, believing that it is the most ancient of handwriting/script taught to mankind by angels, under direction of God Most High.

He is married with 5 young adult children and recently gained a grandson and currently resides in South Carolina, serving as a Technical Support Manager. He plays guitar, bass and keyboards - and regularly serves on the Praise Team in the church his family attends

David Beverley Sr


both of those websites have links to every version of my book
"The Coming Flood of AI - the Rise of the Nephilim Spirits"
the direct link to the Amazon

this is the BIO on Amazon:

on my campaign website (I ran for public office since we last spoke)

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