Putin BLASTS Zelensky & NATO – ‘They Want War, Not Peace!’

19 hours ago

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in an interview with journalist Pavel Zarubin, claimed that Ukraine had initially agreed to a peace deal in April 2022 but later backed out under Western pressure, particularly after consultations with then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Putin stated that by April 4, 2022, Russian troops had already withdrawn from Kiev, countering Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s justification for banning negotiations with Russia.

He asserted that Zelensky’s current position as president is illegitimate under Ukraine’s constitution, making any potential negotiations with him invalid.

Putin emphasized that only the Ukrainian parliament, the Rada, could legally authorize negotiations and revoke the decree banning talks. He also suggested that Ukraine’s sovereignty was severely diminished, arguing that the war would end within two months if Western financial and military support ceased.

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