Patriot Punkcast #79 - Special Session Live Reaction & Updates w/ Larry Linton

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The Tennessee General Assembly has entered a Special Session. The main goal is to pass through Emperor Lee's Education Freedom Act and he is tying immigration laws, and more heinously, Hurricane relief funding to the same Special Session.

There's been a lot of Amendments, changes, video issues, and word policing and we are going to break it down for you in the first hour of the show. Then we are going to pick up the coverage of the House Floor Session when it starts at 8pm tonight, assuming the online schedule is accurate.

Joining us is our good friend from East Tennessee and host of the podcast "Liberty Leadership & Lies," Larry Linton.

Tonight we break down the drama.
Never Mind the Bollocks, and watch the Patriot Punkcast!

TAGS: TN Voucher Bill, TN News, Vouchers, School Choice, Education Freedom Act, Special Session, General Assembly, 114th General Assembly, Jack Johnson, Bo Watson, Cameron Sexton, Bill Lee, Randy McNally, John Stevens, London Lamar, Tennessee Republicans, TN GOP, Tennessee Special Session, Tennessee School Choice, Penny Schwinn, Donald Trump, Americans For Prosperity, Americans For NO Prosperity, Larry Linton. Liberty Leadership and Lies, Podcasts, Tennessee Politics, Political Podcasts, Local News, Trending News, Trending, Live Reaction, Live Coverage

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