Stephen Miller Scorches Jake Tapper For Pulling Tired 'Who's Going To Pick Our Crops?' Talking Point

30 days ago

Posted • January 29, 2025: Trump Broke Him/Her/They/Them/Zher — Jake Tapper is looking as gaunt as ever. Probably mourning Jim Acosta’s recent hilarious exit from CNN. Things are only going to get more dire. Tapper’s in for a very long four years of President Donald Trump, based on his interview of Homeland Security Advisor Stephen Miller Tuesday. Tapper lazily brought up the tired and predictable ‘who’s going to pick our crops?’ talking point. That’s all the room Miller needed to humiliate Tapper. 🔥 HOLY SMOKES: Stephen Miller just scorched a combative Jake Tapper and his “who’s going to pick the crops!" propaganda. […] Masterclass performance here from Miller. 🔥 Imagine being so desperate to defend illegal immigration that you don’t even fact-check your own talking points. Embarrassing. Tapper’s a dutiful foot soldier for the Democrat Party, he’s usually more prepared than what we just witnessed. But, it appears he did no homework at all. -- Jake the snake: "Let's get back on track". I fell in a ditch . 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Stephen Miller Scorches Jake Tapper for Pulling Tired ‘Who’s Going to Pick Our Crops?’ Talking Point
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