With the market near all time highs, can I cut back on retirement #savings? #retirementplans

1 month ago

With the market near all time highs, can I cut back on retirement #savings? #retirementplans

“In this video, I share my investing experience that started when I was a teenager and continues to this day. It was a long-awaited life-changing opportunity, but the path was thorny. I went through job setbacks, losses, emotional upheavals, and even psychological burnout. From my first paychecks and small investments to managing significant sums in challenging times, I've experienced financial ups and downs, the stress of crises and unexpected lock-ins.

I hope my story will give you food for thought on how important it is to manage your funds wisely, take care of your psychological state and always remember that money is no substitute for loved ones and peace of mind. Share this video to make more people aware of the real risks any investor can face.” - Finance Reddit Stories


#FinancialPlanning #PersonalFinance #Frugality #Money #finances #budgeting #income #retirementplans #insurance #investing

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