Episode 2901: What is Merit? Correcting the modern errors - Fr. Ripperger

30 days ago

In his recent talk titled "What is Merit? Correcting the Modern Errors Using the Summa of St. Thomas Aquinas," Fr. Ripperger delves into the theological concept of merit within Catholicism, aiming to clarify misunderstandings prevalent in contemporary discourse. He references the Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas to elucidate the nature of merit and its role in the spiritual life.

Fr. Ripperger discusses the distinction between condign merit and congruous merit. Condign merit refers to a reward that is owed in justice due to the intrinsic value of a good work performed in a state of grace. In contrast, congruous merit pertains to a reward given out of fittingness or generosity, not strict justice, often associated with actions performed outside the state of grace.

He emphasizes that all merit ultimately stems from God's grace, and human beings, by their own efforts, cannot obligate God to reward them. However, through divine adoption and the infusion of grace, individuals can perform acts that God, in His fidelity, has promised to reward.

Fr. Ripperger also addresses modern errors that either overemphasize human effort in achieving salvation or, conversely, diminish the role of human cooperation with divine grace. He advocates for a balanced understanding that acknowledges the necessity of grace while recognizing the meaningful participation of human free will in the pursuit of holiness.

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