*Hotel Purgatorio* Episode 5| Manny & Adriana**

30 days ago

Hotel Purgatorio: Manny & Adriana

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Featuring "Adriana's Song"

Lyrics by Viktoria
Vocals and Music by Udio

A strange old hotel where the only escape is through a labyrinth of rooms filled with mystery, horror and adventure.

Madame Adriana was the Supreme Lady of the Betwixt Realm, also known as the Hotel Purgatorio. The establishment deposed her and appointed Manuel "Manny" Torino as the new Lord and Master. In this episode, we catch a glimpse at their complicated relationship both as enemies and lovers.

Hotel Purgatorio paperback and Kindle is available at

Created by Noel F. Lim & Joey Agbayani
Written, Directed and Produced by Joey Agbayani
Based on "Hotel Prugatorio" Written by Noel F. Lim & Joey Agbayani and David Hontiveros
Featuring Francis Manalo as The Accountant
Mocap Performances by:
Percy Val
Joey Agbayani

#webseries #animation #horror #supernatural #wonderdynamics #elevenlabs #pika #mixamo #blender #midjourney #replicastudios
#daz3d #udiomusicai #udio
Character Voices by Replica Studios AI, Eleven Labs

WINNER: BEST WEB SERIES at the 18th Fright Night Film Fest 2024, USA
WINNER: BEST WEB SERIE at the 41st edition of the Vesuvius International Film Awards 2024, Naples, Italy (EP: Room 917 )

WINNER: BEST WEB SERIES/TV SERIES at the 8&Halfilm Awards Berlin Event 2024 (EP:Baptismus)
*OFFICIAL SELECTION: Milan Gold Awards 2023, Italy (EP:Baptismus)
*FINALIST: Fright Night Film Fest 2023, USA (EP: Prologue and EP:Baptismus)
WINNER: Akiraurosawa Prize for BEST WEB SERIES/TV SERIES at the 8&Halfilm Awards 2023, Rome, Italy (EP:Prologue)
*WINNER: GOLD AWARD: ANIMATED FILM at the Hollywood Gold Awards 2023, USA (EP:Prologue)
*WINNER: BEST WEB SERIES/TV SERIES at the 32nd Edition of the Vesuvius International Film Fest 2023, Italy (EP:Prologue)
*WINNER: Best Web and New Media at the 16th Knight of the Reel Awards 2023, India

Wonder Dynamics

Plask AI Mocap

Rokoko Video

Replica Studios AI

Blockade Labs

Eleven Labs


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