Trump Immigration Crackdown: Mass Deportations & Arrests of Migrants in U.S. | Connecting The Dots

1 month ago

#usimigration #trump #immigrationreform
The United States has launched a massive crackdown on illegal immigration, with thousands of undocumented immigrants being arrested and deported. Donald Trump's administration has declared illegal immigration a national emergency, vowing to halt all illegal entry and return millions of undocumented immigrants to their home countries.

The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has conducted widespread raids, arresting over a thousand illegal immigrants. Hundreds have been flown out of the US on military aircraft, sparking outrage from immigrant communities and advocacy groups.

Trump's immigration policy has also sparked controversy, with plans to end birthright citizenship for children of undocumented immigrants. A federal judge has temporarily blocked the order, but the administration has vowed to appeal.
Watch this video to stay updated on the latest developments in the U.S. immigration crackdown.

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