The Tour of LOVE, Ascension Energetics - Sacred Sounds & Scalar Energy, Houston Jan 25 2025

30 days ago

Dr. DREAM and Stephanie at the Unity of Houston, on January 25, 2025, facilitating their Ascension Energetics - Sacred Sounds & Scalar Energy Experience.
With the combined energetics of the EESystem (EEQube) and our Tensor Rings and Copper Pyramid, we were able to "broadcast" these frequencies to all those attending! We will be sharing this, our Ascension Energetics, at our next events (see below)!!! So you too can feel the energy of...the Scalar Waves of the EESystem EEQube, custom divinely inspired Rife Frequencies, Twistedsage Studios' Tensor Ring Tools, Essential Oils, and Crystal technologies, integrated with the amazing power of sound and vibrational healing - using our dynamic and commanding sets of Himalayan Healing Bowls, our complete set of the unique Earth Tuned Tuning Forks, several Master Gongs, and other goodies. These energetics will also be part of the Private Sessions and Custom Retreats in March & April, in Southern California!

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