This is population control masquerading as aid

1 month ago

This is population control masquerading as aid—a chilling echo of historical exploitation » The Biden admin had earmarked $50 million for contraceptives in Gaza—yes, during an ongoing genοcide.

The irony here is overwhelming—while Israel obliterates homes, schools, and entire families, the U.S. government prioritizes controlling Gaza’s reproductive rates over addressing the humanitarian catastrophe it helped create.

This strategy isn’t new. The U.S. Foreign Assistance Act of 1966 allowed “population control initiatives” to be tied to foreign aid, often targeting the Global South. Similarly, during apartheid South Africa, clandestine anti-fertility vaccines were used on Black South Africans without consent. And let’s not forget Israel’s well-documented use of Depo-Provera on Ethiopian and Yemenite women in the mid-20th century to limit their population growth—policies they later admitted to.

This isn’t about public health or “helping” Gaza. This is systemic control. The same administration that funded Israel’s genocidal campaign turns around and calls contraceptives “aid” while withholding ACTUAL relief efforts like food, medicine, and infrastructure rebuilding.

The world must recognize these patterns: colonial powers have long used population control as a tool to dehumanize and suppress. Gaza doesn’t need fewer children—it needs fewer bombs, fewer blockades, and fewer foreign powers dictating their lives.

👉 It’s also worth noting that sometimes what’s listed in official documents or budgets can serve as coded terminology for entirely different initiatives. For example, “Food for Peace” in Central America was a cover to funnel resources to anti-Sandinista rebels, and “Medical Supplies” in other conflict zones have disguised non-lethal military aid.

» @ZirafaMedia

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