The MSM isn’t Reporting on Serial Killings Across the USA being linked to a Trans Terror Cult

1 day ago

The serial killings allegedly by members of a trans terror cell are starting to be widely reported because the story is too big to ignore now.

But none of the legacy media is reporting that all of the suspects and persons of interest are trans leftists who followed an extremist ideology.

Read more about the serial killings across the U.S. linked to a trans terror cult:

Trans terrorism?

NGO REPORT: The duo accused of a deadly surprise attack on a U.S. Border Patrol officer near the Canadian border in Vermont on inauguration day is revealed to be a trans duo. They were armed with a cache of weapons, electronics and tactical gear. And they're allegedly linked to a trans militant cell involved in three prior homicides across the U.S.

Watch Andy NGO’s full Newsmax interview about the serial killings across the U.S. linked to a trans terror cult:

Additional info:
The murder of a U.S. Border Patrol officer on Inauguration Day by a trans duo in Vermont has shed light on their alleged secretive connections to a serial-killing trans terror group. Watch:

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