Lee Milteer Interviews Master Stephen Oliver

19 hours ago

The Blonde Warrior of Solutions Lee Milteer interviews entrepreneur and author Stephen
Oliver. Stephen has a deep background in education. He is a deep diver of knowledge. And he
attended Georgetown University, earning an honor degree in international economics. He
expected to head on to Harvard and get an MBA and then on to Wall Street, but life doesn't
work like that sometimes. He worked his way through college running a martial arts school for a
multimillion dollar organization there in Washington, D.C. while he was also training to be a
professional kick-boxer. Now along the way, his best laid plans were derailed and, instead of
going directly to graduate school, he ended up opening six martial arts schools in Denver,
Colorado. He grew to over 2,500 active students and nearly 50 staff members before he was 26
years old.
Leverage Lee Milteer’s wealth of knowledge to help you take your business to the next level—
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Links for leemilteer.com;
Website: https://leemilteer.com/
Five Types of Energy: https://milteer.com/five-types-of-energy/
Alchemists Inner Circle: https://milteer.com/alchemists-inner-circle/
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