Mike Dijital FEATURED on AOTN Radio #25

1 day ago

December 30th 2008 - Night Of 100 Resolutions.....Sneezer In Spiderman Shirt, Xmas Eve Hookers, Babylon Revived, Splash Banner Giveaways, Kai Our CoHost Contortionist Doing A Live Show, Circus Of The Freaks, Two Girls Kissing, Auld Lang Insane, The Network On Nowlive A New Years Finale You Do Not Want To Miss!

Mike Note: This episode was the beginning of the end of my tenure with this show. The host had started to get away from paranormal stuff and became a misogynistic womanizer. The show got away from being a show and turned into the host trying to get laid and try to be a Howard stern clone, He had lost 4 cohosts up to this point due to his more and more unhinged behavior . This was when I knew it was time to bail. My contract was up in one more episode, and I choose not to renew. There are many audio mistakes in this episode, as you can tell I had just checked out at this point. I had also started doing my own show called the Deggi 5 show, which was 100 times more successful than this show.

Mike Dijital owns all the rights to the music in this podcast.

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