Male Lion Belts Out Epic Roar For Zoo Visitors

6 years ago

In the flower kingdom, the uncrowned queen is a rose, the birds have an eagle, and among the animals, the lion is considered to be the king. His majestic appearance and graceful movements, combined with a violent force in anger, are perfectly suited to this role.

The habitat of the "monarch" is the hottest continent in the world - Africa. It is there, among the expanses of the savannah, you can hear the eerie roar of a lion - one of the attributes of his power. Another distinguishing feature is the luxurious mane of males.

They are among the most dangerous animals on the continent. Still would! This kitty reaches a solid size, with a weight of up to 250 kilograms of virtually single muscle. Just so go and pat her in the wild will not work. And if you heard the sound of a lion ... it's better to go home ... very quickly.

Despite its impressive size and the horrifying sight, these are relatives of domestic cats and all felines are not alien to them. They also like to sleep and play. It is during the games that young kittens often train the adult sound of a lion's roar, preparing to receive the crown over the pride over time.

The pride, by the way, is the name of the "lion family" of a group of individuals who live together with one group. Most are related by kinship ties. Plunge into the wildlife world of a distant and hot Africa with a selection of sounds of the roar of a lion - one of the largest and most graceful carnivorous cats in the world.

This is the male lion from the San Diego Zoo. He normally starts his chorus of lion roars before dusk. The best time to see the lion and hear him roar at the San Diego Zoo is during the evening hours when it cools down. His roars can be heard from the other side of the park. Amazing!

Making a roar, the lion wrinkles his lips and thrusts his chin, pointing his mouth to the horizon. His whole body thus methodically rises and falls, following the rhythm of the sounds produced by him. In the African night, the roaring of a lion spreads to a distance of up to 8 km. It simultaneously enchants and terrifies people. And yet the lion roars not at all to please us. To whom is the message of the king of beasts addressed?

Lions keep in touch with each other with the help of a complex system of social interactions. Pride lions occupy an area of an average of 50 square meters. km; Some pride members find themselves in various parts of their territory. However, members of hostile pride always wander around. They can kill a solitary lion invading someone else's space, if, of course, they catch him by surprise. In this regard, the ability to distinguish enemies from friends becomes vital for lions. Like many other species that lead a group living on the basis of the "decay-unification" principle, lions maintain contacts at a distance with the help of sound communication. And the limit of audibility of sound signals, probably, exceeds an audible limit for the person. The lion's roar consists of a series of sound cycles: a slow series of lingering low roar are replaced by fast sequences of clear short roaring. Both male and female lions roar, but the male's voice sounds much stronger and lower in tone.

Lions roar at night, when silence reigns around, and the lions themselves are active. Most young males need to survive the stage of loneliness, during which they try not to attract attention to themselves, avoid dominant males and remain silent, hearing how the lions grow from the formed prides, informing their neighbors about their presence. However, having settled on their own site and having marked the territory, young lions also begin to roar. Roaring lions respond to each other: it was this form of behavior that became the basis of research by scientists who used the records of a lion's roar to understand the meaning of the various sounds produced by the beasts. With the help of high-quality sound reproducing apparatus, the researchers lost the roar and roar of lions in the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro crater in Tanzania and then recorded and analyzed their reaction to what they heard.

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