Ernst Zundel talks about Adolf Hitler Being a Universalist

1 month ago

Ernst Zundel talks about Adolf Hitler Being a Universalist


Universal in scope

The doctrine, held especially by some Christian groups, that all people will eventually be saved.

Adolf Hitler understood that the human race was connect to the same Consciousness thats why he wished all races would adopt national socialism so we could all live in harmony within our own countrys but still understanding we are all part of the same source.

The colour of your skin is your uniform, unfortunately because of a International Clique known as the (Rothschilds and their zionist puppets) some people in each race have become subhumans and tarnish it for the rest of us only when we understand that all races have the same enemies can we be free from these international wrangles.

We either work together especially those who understand what's going on to free our world from these parasites or we will all suffer the consequences especially our children.

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