Ernst Zundel Interviewed By an Israeli Journalist 1996)

1 month ago

This is the most hard-hitting interview that Ernst Zundel ever gave our political enemies

It is the source of what has become known as the “Zundel Prophecy” (

"We always start by discussing what the Germans did to the Jews…why Hitler came...the analysis doesn’t even go to the point of why Hitler came...

Nobody has ever analyzed why the German nation that had more Nobel prize winners and more famous researchers and scientists, and was one of the best educated countries in Europe, turned on the Jews. Why did these good Germans turn on the Jews?

...Adolf Hitler was an organic outgrowth of Jewish behavior and Jewish ethnocentrism in the heart of Europe…because there is no 'anti-semtism' without Semitism...

...I’m not much of a prophet but that much I can say based on history – that in the United States, mark my words, you will have Weimar conditions, and you will have solutions to the Weimar conditions that will be very similar to what happened in Germany, and there is only one difference….

In The United States there are enough guns out on the street, and enough lawlessness in the public, and a revolutionary spirit that founded that republic…This is not Germany where the only people that had guns were hunters and soldiers and policemen. The United States is armed to the teeth. They have the spirit of revolution in their blood. Their heroes are people who turned against what they called tyranny and foreign occupiers and so on…

How soon? That depends entirely on how long the power structure in the Western world is going to stay on top…I mean if you look at East Germany and how quickly it collapsed, or the former Soviet Union how quickly it collapsed…with all its secret services, spy agencies, NKVD, Stasi…It imploded so quickly I have no idea”

Why is it illegal to question their Jewish Holocaust narrative?

Truth Fears Not Investigation

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