Yes, the U.S. can use Preemptive Military Intervention in Panama

8 days ago

The Chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission just confirmed all of President Trump's allegations against Panama for violating the Canal Treaty. He broke down how China now controls it and why it's vital that the United States intervenes before it's too late.
✅ Can the United States use preemptive military force to ensure that the Treaty of Neutrality, signed by President Jimmy Carter and Panamanian leader Omar Torrijos in 1977, is upheld?
This law professor says the United States can.
✅ “I think it may be shocking to people to hear today, but when one goes over the ratification history … over this treaty, it was clear that the treaty was understood as giving both sides separately the right to resort to use armed force to enforce the provisions of the treaty.”
✅ Exchange between Eugene Kontorovich, professor at the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University, and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, during the Senate hearing “Examining the Panama Canal and Its Impact on U.S. Trade and National Security”

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