What Donkey Kong's new Redesign really means (and why he isn't dead)

1 month ago

So, Donkey Kong got a redesign for the new Mario Kart. People have been going nuts over this change. Some think it's kinda cool, while others believe the DK we all know and love is dead. Me, I think everyone is overreacting a bit.

As someone who's spent most of his life as a Donkey Kong fan, I just don't buy it. We've been seeing a major resurgence in Donkey Kong over the last year or so, so to now see people claiming the Donkey Kong we all know is dead seems a little weird.

Obviously, we are getting a new design for the King of Swing, so in addition I came up with two very different theories on why that may be the case. One is much more reasonable, and if you ask me what's probably going on. While the other is a little more out there. Either way, things are gonna be interesting for us Donkey Kong fans for the foreseeable future.

Also another huge thanks to Chris for his help with the Thumbnail

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