Biblically Grounded | Episode 17: Finding Babel Part 2: Following the Trail

1 month ago

Clayton Van Huss talks with archaeologist, epigrapher, and professor Douglas Petrovich about locating the tower of Babel in the ancient Near East. Dr. Petrovich examines the archaeological evidence of the two oldest known expansions in Mesopotamia. What clues will give us an understanding of the people who moved out from the biblical Plain of Shinar into the wider world? What cultural markers indicate the sort of dispersion that we would expect from the Genesis 11 account of the Tower of Babel?

Clayton Van Huss, a biblical archaeologist and Christian apologist, hosts the program Biblically Grounded, where he interviews different guests in each episode. Together, they explore the latest archaeological discoveries from around the world that affirm and illuminate God's Word. Despite what secular sources and mainstream media may say about the Bible, these discoveries reveal the truth and reliability of Scripture. Clayton, along with his renowned guests, offers valuable insight and expert analysis, making this program both informative and faith-affirming.

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